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 Induction Cap Sealing

The Vintage Lepel Cap Sealers

If you are exploring an upgrade to the next generation of Lepel induction sealing products we invite you to find your Lepel model on the chart and check the industry leading simplicity, advanced features and low maintenance performance Lepel can offer in a replacement machine.

Production Rates: Over 200 FPM (60 meters/minute). Regulations: Due to unstable and poor quality input mains, the International Series has added regulation for even less critical circuitry.YesYes CS Plus 350SS CS Plus 200SS Stainless Steel Cabinet Protection: The system will automatically monitor power conditions and shut down when an extreme is detected.

Production Rates: Over 200 FPM (60 meters/minute). Regulations: Due to unstable and poor quality input mains, the International Series has added regulation for even less critical circuitry. Stainless Steel Cabinet Overload Protection: The system will automatically monitor power conditions and shut down when an extreme is detected.Yes Yes CS Plus 200SS AC Line Filter: Build in AC line filters and suppressers to help tame noisy electrical lines. Additional Line Sensing Fault: If the line voltage drops out of the expected operating range, the system will shut down and identify the problem.


PPS Line: Contact Lepel for any questions regarding the PPS line of Induction Cap Sealing equipment.